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The Mexico City Policy is also
The Mexico City Policy is also flawed on evidentiary and public health grounds. A 2011 study found that enforcement of the Mexico City Policy by the George W Bush administration led to an increase in abortion rates in sub-Saharan Africa, probably because of decreased contraception access and increas
The WHO guidance promotes pre exposure
The 2016 WHO guidance promotes pre-exposure prophylaxis for all populations with an incidence of HIV above three per 100 person-years. This guidance is, some ways, an indictment on the promotion of condoms in HIV prevention. However, WHO does not retract its message regarding the use of condoms. The
Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma ICC originates from
Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) originates from the small intrahepatic ductules or the large intrahepatic ducts proximal to the bifurcation of the right and left hepatic ducts. ICC is the second most common primary malignancy of the liver after hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Given the rising
br Discussion A previous report demonstrated an adenosine
Discussion A previous report demonstrated an adenosine-sensitive reentrant AT not involving an AV nodal pathway in the vicinity of the apex of Koch\'s triangle, which could be ablated at the earliest atrial activation site in the right supero-septal region [3]. Otomo et al. reported a “left-varia
br Discussion In our patient series coronary
Discussion In our patient series, coronary angiography was performed routinely prior to electrophysiological study, revealing a 9.1% (5/55) incidence of significant coronary artery stenosis in patients with Brugada syndrome/Brugada-type ECG. Although acute myocardial ischemia has been reported to
Recently denosumab demonstrated a significant delay in the o
Recently, denosumab demonstrated a significant delay in the onset of detectable bone lesions in men with castration resistant prostate cancer compared to placebo . This could indicate some kind of efficacy of the compound as anticancer agent and consequently an indirect confirmation of the role of R
Another widely used tool is
Another widely used tool is the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI), developed by Cleeland and Ryan. The BPI is a questionnaire used to determine overall pain intensity and functional interference as a result of pain. Specifically, it ldh assay examines functional interference in terms of general activity, n
Adipose tissue represents an alternative source of MSC like
Adipose tissue represents an alternative source of MSC-like cells, avoiding the problems of pain, morbidity and low cell number associated with bone marrow harvest [17]. In plastic and reconstructive surgery, adipose tissue-derived stromal buy FK506 (ADSCs) may be used to increase in situ survival
oleuropein En su primera entrega para en la pantalla de
En su primera entrega para “ en la pantalla” (3 de septiembre) Luis Cardoza establece matizadamente los parámetros sobre “la crítica” y lo que para él representa la cinematografía como expresión estética; los lineamientos observados de antemano explican sus continuas confrontaciones con el medio. Pu
br Conclusions and future perspectives br Conflict
Conclusions and future perspectives Conflict of interest Author’s contributions Introduction Sulfotransferase (SULT)-mediated sulfation and steroid sulfatase (STS)-mediated desulfation represent two opposing mechanisms involved in regulating the chemical and functional homeostasis of end
En Argentina previamente al golpe militar tambi n reinaba un
En Argentina, previamente al golpe militar, también reinaba un gobierno democrático cada vez más represivo. El mismo día del retorno de Juan Domingo Perón después de larguísimos años de proscripción, el enfrentamiento entre los principales grupos de las distintas tendencias al interior del peronismo
De esta manera los estados latinoamericanos se
De esta manera, los estados latinoamericanos se han redefinido desde aquello que puede denominarse cautela y desconfianza. Dichos estados son la materialización de la desconfianza histórica, de la amplitud del margen del conocimiento, de la apreciación de que no todo va bien y por supuesto, de una “
br Agradezco a Rosa Mar a
Agradezco buspirone hcl Rosa María o Mirna Paiz Cárcamo la decisión de escribir sobre su experiencia vital en la insurgencia guatemalteca en los años sesenta y, sobre todo, la decisión de publicar sus escritos. Desde la presentación del libro se entiende que en la primera decisión tuvo un papel im
In our study we observed that MT produced
In our study we observed that MT produced a 50% improvement in the % area of tissues covered over that of H&E. It is possible that its three-in-one (trichrome) combination of dyes may be responsible for the large % area covered and high intensity measurement. This is in line with the report of Stree
La antinomia de los signos d a y noche que
La antinomia de los signos “día” y “noche”, que comienza desde las metáforas del título, sugiere una rotación que se opera en el orden cósmico. El momento diurno tiene que ceder necesariamente el paso telomerase inhibitor la noche, en una sucesión sin la cual cada uno de los elementos tomado aislada
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